Thursday, October 21, 2010

The speed of light

That's how I feel like life is going right now... I haven't even had time to update in so long! Chris, my brother got married to Tiffany Petersen almost two weeks ago  (October 9th)!!! and then my cousin Reed finally got married last week to Kamie Jo!  Super excited for both of them, and also super jealous. I just wanna be married already!!  But now that's not going to happen for over 2 years!

Al and I have been talking a lot lately and we both decided together that he needs to serve a mission.  So some time in March or early April (at the latest) he'll be heading to the MTC for three months and then it's off to Oslo, Norway!!!! I'm so excited for him and proud that he made this decision.  It will be a long hard two years while he's gone but we've promised to write every week to each other and I've promised to wait for him.  He'll already have bought my engagement ring before he leaves, but we're waiting until after he gets back to be engaged... It will be so much more rewarding and it will give us such a stronger relationship together as we get to bond spiritually through letters while he's serving. I just really love him and can't wait to get married to him as soon as possible when he gets back.

Before all this talk of a mission came up, Al and I just bought a yellow Nissan Xterra together.  It's such a sweet car! we took it mudding (or digging as the people of Utah call it) up in the mountains with it and got it all muddy. It was awesome!! But my mom just found out that we actually put the car in both of our names, and I think she's stressing out about it for some reason? I don't know.

While Al's on his mission, though, I'm going to move back to Texas and get my two year nursing degree.  That way I will be done with that part of schooling and will be able to already have a job by the time Al gets home and gets in school.  I really am convinced that this is the boy for me and can't wait to start our lives together!!! I love him...

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