Monday, October 22, 2012

Challenge: Accepted!

So... last week Al challenged me to take the next 30 days and make sure to write him once per week, and do 3 blog entries in that time... honestly, it will be a challenge for me because I feel like there's nothing really going on in my life right now worthy of writing about, so I've noticed a severe lack in my letters to my missionary as well.  Which I feel really bad about :( So when he challenged me to 3 blog entries and 4 hand written letters in 30 days... I say Challenge: Accepted!

So now I sit here with my grilled cheese, whole pickle, and cup of hot chocolate, pondering what to write about this week. I find the only thoughts in my head to be the lyrics from The Little Rascals "I gotta pickle" haha

Ok... gotta get back on track! Al had given the polite suggestion that I could write about how much I love him... :) My sweet boy, such great ideas ;) so I guess I will start there...

Al and I first met the night of Saturday, June 6th, 2009. We started talking on Facebook June 7th, and from June 8th on we were basically inseparable! I should have known this would be a relationship different from any others when the first three days involved sneaking out of the house, motorcycles, basketball (I totally beat him!), first kiss at 4am, watching the sunrise together, and lighting powdered sugar on fire! haha I give him all the credit for the relationship though because he was the one that knew what he wanted, and wouldn't take "no" for an answer... me? I was just a silly little college girl, looking for the UTAH college experience... aka dating a different guy every night, some nights with more than one date. Even when I met Al, that night I was trying to talk to his friend Spencer, who got my phone number. But there was Al, always in the back ground, asking for my number as well. So of course I gave it to him! Spencer texted me once or twice, but it was Al who found me on Facebook and started talking to me and asking me to hang out. Once Al got ahold of me though, there was no going back! I let Spencer fall to the wayside (good thing, too! Disaster: Averted!) From then on, it was me and Al.

I was more than happy to let go of this dating multiple guys thing when I realized that Al was everything any of these guys could be, plus more! He is the guy that every girl wants to have, and I was lucky enough that he noticed me first.  Our relationship became a friendship, and then a Best-friendship! A little backwards, I know... but I wouldn't have had it any other way.  He was there every morning to take me to school on his scooter, and every afternoon to carry my books and bring me home from school. He showed up to my ballroom performances with a suit on, and flowers in hand. He took me up to the romantic "look-out" spots along places like Squaw-Peak. ; ) He was there whenever I needed a friend to laugh with, or a shoulder to cry on. He took me to my favorite stores - Pet shops and office supplies :) and bought me my favorite things... Hamster, fish, bunnies, puppies, lizards, geckos, chameleons, pens, notebooks, planners... so many memories we created together! We cooked dinner together many nights in his parents kitchen. We rode Naa-Na (Our yellow scooter) to the grocery store to go shopping. We even carried fish home on that scooter. Throughout all of this, I began to not only fall in love with scooters (haha) but with this boy... who was turning into an amazing man! Granted, it did take a bit of coaching on my part ;) but he always treated me with respect, no matter what. He even planned a special picnic to a park and packed my favorite meal - peanut butter and jelly sandwich with crunchy cheetos, oreos, and milk! And took me up to the top of a parking structure just so he could kiss me in the rain (swoon!) And let me tell you, I am a sucker for romance! Needless to say, I was hooked! And there was nothing anyone could do about it!

Well, I'm sitting here now, 3 years and 4 months from when we first met, and I'm more in love with him than I ever thought possible... and he's on the other side of the world! And I haven't seen him for over a year and a half... Honestly, we have been through so much together already... and always seem to come out on top! I am just looking forward to the next phase in our story... the one where he returns home to me with Honor on April 4th, 2013 and we get to start planning our FOREVER future together! Aka... our wedding :)

Well... I guess I had more to write than I thought... and I've barely scratched the surface of our whirl-wind romance! But... I guess that's it for now, but many more exciting stories to come as our lives take twists and turns that we never see coming ;)

Stay tuned!!

JUNE 8TH 2013?! :)

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