Al and I went to a fair on the 4th of July with his friend Ben and his girlfriend Rebecka. We got these bracelets that are made of like string. Al got one that said A.N.J. EVR and mine says C.A.S. 4 it's supposed to be for when we put them together it's like CAS ANJ 4 EVR. Cute idea!! What's even cuter with mine being CAS 4... Al told me he wants to name our son after him so he would be Charles Aldrich Strange the 4th... so I told Al today that I wanna save my bracelet for our son to wear :) It would be so perfect!!
Another thing... our puppies!!! Al and I adopted this poodle/shihtzu mix named Albert Einstein. He's so cute and was going to get euthanized if he didn't have a home in a few days from when we first saw him, so we fostered him at first and ended up adopting him!!! And what a little model he is! ;)
we also fostered this Bichon Frise named Frosty... we ended up getting him adopted out to this super cute family with 3 kids. They've had him for about a month, but we're watching him again this week cause they went out of town and didn't want to kennel him. Al says he's his dog and that he doesn't wanna give him back.
They're both so cute and funny!!!! :)
We also have two Rex Rabbits. Their names are Creme and Cookies. They're like plush soft and it's funny to watch them run around when we let them out of their cages!! They're tiny bunnies in the picture. It's from when we first got them at about 5 weeks old, but now they're full grown and much larger. But still cute!! :)
I think as of now I've decided that I'm going back to Texas for fall. I'm not doing well in classes here and feel like I'm just wasting money. Plus I just need to regroup and save money before I move on with the next big part of my life!
We found the ring that I love! it even goes along with my anniversary band so well that I'll probably turn it into the wedding band. Everything seems to be going great except that he needs a job, and we both need money!! I need to buy the Mazda from my parents and pay for a wedding!!!!
Chris is thinking of getting married in October which is super crazy!!! But I'm happy for him. Tiffany seems super cute :)
I'll post another one tomorrow probably about other things Al and I have been up to this summer. So much to catch up on :)
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