Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another day, Another dollar

Al is so cute! He's been trying hard to find a job, but hasn't been successful. So last night he created and printed up 50 flyers saying he only had 3 weeks left to buy me a ring and asking to people to hire him to mow their lawn and do yardwork. He stapled rubberbands on them and delivered them to people's doors at 11 last night!! I told him that he was crazy for doing it so late, but he said he wanted people to see them first thing this morning when they walked out. Sure enough, he got put to work for two different people. One this morning and one this afternoon. The guy from the morning is a landscaper and asked Al if he wanted to help him out with this new project he's working on. He said it wouldn't pay as much as him doing it on his own, but he would hire him for a few hours a day the next two days probably. He's now $40 closer to getting my ring :)

Things are going great with Lenny and Einstein (the puppies). they're back to their usual constant wrestling and Lenny's back jumping on tables and countertops. I've never seen a dog that could jump the way he does.

Just studying for my Anatomy quiz this evening and hopefully going to bed early! NO SCHOOL/WORK TOMORROW!!! bad side is I won't make $80, but at least I'll hopefully get the much deserved rest that I need.

Time to learn about the heart and major arteries. WOOHOO!!! :P

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