Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nothing but Time

So many things
I'd like to say
But i don't know how.
You take my breath away.

My ideal qualities in a man
I've made a list
So many aply to you
No wonder you're so missed!

The phrase "I love you"
some people abuse,
but the way you say it to me,
it's like our hearts are fused
for i have the same feelings
deep down inside,
when i'm with you, they surface
never again shall they hide

many things about you,
i do cherish
when i talk about you
i'm never embarassed

every day
i pray to know
if you'll really stay
or, like the others, you'll go.

i know you tell me
all the time
that you really miss me
and your heart is all mine

but at times i quetion
if we'll make it through
do "we" have a chance?
of is it too good to be true?

but every day
you reassure me
we have plenty of time
we're in no hurry

we both agree
it's the little things that count
so i hope i'm the one
you always smile about

i know i'm not "bad"
but i can do so much more
for you i want to be perfect
the one you adore

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